Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Engineering Process

Over the last six day in  science class we learn about the differences between scientists and engineers. Scientists research and make theories while engineers design. We all know the process of science but not many people know the process of engineering. Engineering process is a little different from the science process.

The difference between the two process is that engineering process have criteria and constraints while science process didn't have. Criteria and Constraints are the main standard for engineering. Without them engineering process won't be complete. Criteria is something that somebody is going to judge you on for example the boat must float and it must able to carry at least 250 kg. Constraint is limitation for example mustn't use any more than 10 million dollar. For example, in our science class have to build a boat. The teacher give us the criteria and constraints for example the boat must float(criteria) and must use only straw, aluminum foil and tape(constraints).

Scientific Argument is a process that you use when you need to convince the people.The first step of scientific argument is claim. You share your idea to the group and claim that your idea is the best. Second step is logic. You give reasons to convince the group why your is the best. The third and final step is argument. You argue with your group that your idea is better than the others.

The engineering process is a process that the engineer use to design. The first step of the process is identify the needs and the constraint. The second step of the process is defining the problem. For example there are many traffic in Hlaing Thar Yar so that is the engineer's problem. The third step of the process is developing possible solutions.  For example build an overhead bridge to reduce traffic. The fourth step of the process is build a prototype of the overhead bridge.The fifth step of the process is test and evaluate the prototype, checking if you need anything. The sixth step of the process is redesign if there is any changes. The last step of the process is list the materials and the cost of it.